Part 2 Parish Renewal Formation




The Parish Renewal Team embarked on Part Two of its four-part Parish Formation seminar series in October and November 2021.


In part one, the Parish Renewal Team focused on unpacking the parish pastoral council constitution and on a broad overview of parish pastoral planning. Four seminars were held across the metropolitan attended by forty-seven parishes and one hundred and ten clergy and parish council members. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.


Part 2 of the Parish Formation program expanded on, and developed further, the themes of Discernment and Prayer. The seminar examined how these cornerstones of Catholic faith are central to the operation of parish pastoral councils and offered a practical model of how to apply discernment practices to decision making. There was also further exploration of the practical elements of pastoral planning.


The part 2 seminars were held in Craigie, Canning Vale, Greenmount and Munster.