Parish Renewal Implementation Group

The Parish Renewal Implementation Group (PRIG) has the responsibility for implementing the vision, strategies and actions for Strengthening and Revitalising Parishes, one of the seven Key Priority Areas of the Archdiocesan Plan Perth, WA 2016-2021.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has issued a call for everyone in the Archdiocese ‘… to walk together on the pathway which we hope will deliver a Christ-centred, faithful, vibrant, welcoming, inclusive and mission orientated Church, one which will enrich our own lives and the lives of all whom we encounter and seek to serve”  (Archbishop’s Welcome, Archdiocesan Plan Perth, WA 2016-2021.)

Therefore, broadly speaking the vision for Strengthening and Revitalising Parishes is one that places the renewal parish life in the context of the whole Archdiocese. A vision that sees us branches of the one vine (John 15.5).

The strategies and actions that are being implemented focus on these areas of parish life:

  • Leadership
  • Collaborative mindset
  • Pastoral and financial administration
  • Training and formation

The fundamental aspiration of the PRIG is for all of us “… to be a people gathered by Christ himself so that together we can continue to walk faithfully in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd” (Archbishop’s Welcome, Archdiocesan Plan Perth, WA 2016-2021.)